Baffle Box vs Sewn-Through Comforters

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There are many things you should consider when buying a comforter. The type of fill, its weight, and its fill power will all affect the warmth and comfort of your new piece of bedding.

Another important factor is the way the fill is held in your comforter.

When it comes to the way fill is held, the two most common designs are sewn-through and baffle box. What do these mean for your comforter? Don’t be baffled. We’re here to break it all down for you.

Hand-Sewn vs Baffle Box Comforters: What Is the Difference?

Here’s how sewn-through and baffle box comforters compare:

  • With a sewn-through comforter, the design is just what it sounds like. The two covers are sewn together, leaving pockets that hold the fill and keep it evenly distributed.
  • With a baffle-box comforter, a thin strip of fabric is sewn between the two covers. This creates a three-dimensional box that evenly distributes the fill and allows it to reach its full loft.

Now that you understand the main differences between these two comforter types, let’s take a look at how these distinct constructions relate to several important factors.


baffle box vs sewn through sewn through diagram

Sewn-Through                                                                            Baffle-Box

Diagram from Pacific Coast Bedding. If you want to know more about the Pacific Coast Down Comforter, click here.   


Warmth is the main factor in choosing a comforter, and you will definitely get a different temperature experience with sewn-through versus baffle box options.

When it comes to sewn-through options, here’s what you need to know: Because the two covers are sewn directly together, the fill does not extend across the whole area of the comforter. This often causes cold spots at the stitching areas.

That being said, this is not always a negative, so if you are a hotter sleeper or you’re looking for a summer comforter, a sewn-through option may be a good choice.

Baffle box comforters rarely have issues with cold spots, as the boxes don’t leave room for cold spots. For those seeking something warmer, baffle boxes comforters are more consistently warm.

RELATED: Best Reviewed Comforters

baffle box vs sewn through stitchingpen kanya/Shutterstock


When it comes to a comforter’s loft, sewn-through cannot compete with baffle boxes.

That extra strip of material found in baffle box designs helps create a three-dimensional space where the fill can truly expand and reach its maximum loft. Because of this, baffle-box comforters are generally fluffier than sewn-through options.


Baffle boxes also have the upper hand in regard to the life of a comforter. The extra strip of fabric cuts down on wear and tear, which can enhance the comforter’s durability and longevity.

With sewn-through comforters, all the pressure falls on the stitched areas as you move around. Baffle boxes help disperse that stress across multiple areas, stopping premature fraying.

baffle box vs sewn through sewn through messyiMoved Studio/Shutterstock


It would seem that baffle box comforters are, for the most part, superior to sewn-through comforters. While this is true in many ways, it really depends on what you are looking for.

Baffle boxes are more expensive to construct, and you will see this reflected in the price of the comforter. That being said, if you want a fluffier, warmer investment, baffle boxes could be a nice fit for you.

If you are looking for a cooler, more budge-friendly comforter, there are plenty of solid sewn-through options that could provide you with a nice night’s rest.

Featured image: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock

Marten Carlson

Marten is the Lead Reviewer at Mattress Clarity. He is a Certified Sleep Science Coach and covers the mattress industry as well as sleep science news. He is specifically interested in the connection between sleep and overall health. Marten has written for media publications like Consequence of Sound and received a master’s degree in Film Studies from Emory University. He comes from Franklin, Indiana, and spends all the time he can writing, directing, and acting in films.