International Pillow Fight Day Is April 7: How To Join The Battle

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There’s something so freeing about a pillow fight. It brings back those carefree days of slumber parties and adolescent tomfoolery. No bills, no responsibilities—just full-on pillow warfare.

For those of you anxious to reclaim the fun of your youth, we’ve got some great news: April 7 is International Pillow Fight Day.

From Atlanta to Vienna,  the young at heart will have a chance to let out stored-up aggression in one of the healthiest ways possible: a good old pillow fight.

What began as disparate flash mobs soon morphed into a combined World Pillow Fight Day in 2008. Since then, the event has grown significantly as more and more participants realize the therapeutic nature of smacking someone with a pillow.

international pillow fight day 2018 vancouverSergei Bachlakov/Shutterstock – International Pillow Fight Day 2012 in Vancouver, Canada

This year, even mattress and bedding retailer Mattress Firm is getting in on the fun for the New York City event. For those people in the area, they can pick up a pillow from their NoHo location. Five dollars is all it will cost them, and all proceeds go to support foster charities.

If people are not in New York, a full list of participating cities can be found at the event’s official Facebook page. Participating cities include Chicago; Orlando, Fla.; and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, among many others. If people don’t find their city on the list, they can start an event in their own city here.

RELATED: Best Pillows

international pillow fight day 2018 throwinganderm/Shutterstock – International Pillow Fight Day 2015 in Budapest, Hungary

It’s not too late to join the battle, but there are a few things to know before you start swinging:

  • Swing softly, as injuries are no fun.
  • Make sure to only use soft pillows to maximize safety.
  • Leave people who don’t have pillows out of the fight, as they may just be there to watch.
  • If someone has a camera, don’t swing at them. No property destruction, please.
  • Some events may not allow feather pillows because of animal welfare. Check your city’s event information for specific rules.
  • Clean up your mess.

You can read the official how-to guide here.

Just be safe and join in on all the pillow-bashing fun.

Featured image: Sergei Bachlakov/Shutterstock – International Pillow Fight Day 2012 in Vancouver, British Columbia

Marten Carlson

Marten is the Lead Reviewer at Mattress Clarity. He is a Certified Sleep Science Coach and covers the mattress industry as well as sleep science news. He is specifically interested in the connection between sleep and overall health. Marten has written for media publications like Consequence of Sound and received a master’s degree in Film Studies from Emory University. He comes from Franklin, Indiana, and spends all the time he can writing, directing, and acting in films.